"I am sorry but I have been swamped!" Swamped is a term used to describe a feeling. It is a feeling brought about by overwhelmed thinking. When we use this phrase on others, deep down we feel it will gain us sympathy, and acknowledgement of our stressful situation.
Have you heard or used these phrases " I'm feeling down" or " I can't seem to do anything right"?
Have you ever worked on a project with someone that simply complained about the job, the boss, or co-workers? Perhaps they go on to say how they can "never get everything done". When your surrounded by it, you soak it in and start to believe it, and pretty soon, you find you are also a "victim" in the "habit" of "being swamped", and find you are never getting things completely done.
Forget your bad habits, Try embracing these terms "Get over it" Rise above it", even "I'm on top of it!"

Look at the words you use to communicate. Make a list of phrases that you use frequently, if your spending your time and energy talking about why you can't do things, I bet you have a long list of things that are not getting done.
When you create your list of priorities for the day, is there realistically enough time to complete the tasks you have on the list? Or, do you need to need to make modifications to realistically complete the tasks in a high quality way that you feel good about?
Communicate with others on your team who depend upon you to complete the task(s) by a specific time, or if you need help learning how to better manage your time, put your ego aside and bring in a professional to help you move out of this "phase" of not accomplishing.
Sometimes life does toss in delays and distractions. How you choose to handle them will affect your success, and your relationship with those you interact with.
How have you gotten out of "being swamped?" let us know in the comment section-
References: Swamped: http://dictionary.reference.com/slang/swamped
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